Registration for NSW Schools

Online Registrations for Primary students are available for AFL, Cricket, Basketball, Tennis, Netball, Rugby League, Football (Soccer), Hockey, Touch Football, Rugby Union and Softball via the Nominations tab. Teams will be selected to attend the MacKillop trials based on the Canberra Goulburn trials . Click on the sport you wish to register for and follow the Registration process. Please note anyone can register for these trials however they are an expression of interest only and will be discussed with your school sports coordinator the suitability of the student to trial and require Principal Approval. These trials are essentially for students in years 5 and 6, however younger students may be considered if they are exceptional within their chosen sport.
In the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn, Primary and Secondary schools are invited to participate in annual carnivals for Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics. These major events also serve as a selection process for Canberra Goulburn Archdiocesan teams. Children may progress from school level, to regional level, to Archdiocesan, to MacKillop/CCC, to NSWPSSA/All Schools and ultimately national level in selected sports. For more detail please see pathways information.
An annual Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Primary Netball Championships is held and additionally serves as a selection trial for the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn Team.
For all individual and team sports a Canberra Goulburn Archdiocesan team is selected to participate at the Inter-Diocesan (MacKillop) Trials. The MacKillop region includes Wollongong, Parramatta, Sydney, Wagga Wagga and Canberra/Goulburn.
Parents of students selected in Canberra Goulburn teams will be required to register student details online through the CSNSW Sport Website This will require you to log on, receive a password then enter relevant details.
A team representing the MacKillop region is entered in the N.S.W. Primary School Sports Association (NSWPSSA) state championships. At this level, children from Catholic, Independent and Government Schools compete together.
Individual children are invited to participate in trials for the following Canberra Goulburn representative teams: Tennis, Basketball, Softball, Cricket, Touch Football, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Australian Rules Football, Football (Soccer), Hockey and Netball.
MacKillop (NSW Primary) and CCC (NSW Secondary) Registration Instructions
If you had an account on the previous website ( type in the new website login address Once you are on this page click on ‘Forgotten Password’, enter your email address and a link to reset your password will be emailed to you.
If you have NOT previously had an account you will be required to set one up to be enabled to register your child for both Canberra Goulburn AND NSWCCC/CPS sporting events and trials.
- Type in the website address
- Click on Register which is located in the blue box on the top right hand side of the page
- Click on Setup Parent Account
- Complete all of the fields and click on Create Account. You will receive a confirmation email
- Click on Add Child
- Complete all fields. Click Next
- Complete all fields on the next page then click on Add Child
- Once logged in scroll to your child’s Profile
- Click on Register for a Sport
- Select the Sport you are registering for from ‘Available Sport Registration’ - This will be the registration process for Canberra Goulburn Trials/ Championships/Carnivals
- Click Next
- Review your child’s details and if they are correct tick the ‘Acknowledgement’ box then click Next
- Sport Specific Details—These will display the Diocesan events your child has previously attended. Click Next
- Consent to Participate—Complete all fields and click on Finish
Once these steps are completed an email will be generated and sent to your school Principal for approval.
If your child is selected to Represent Canberra Goulburn at the MacKillop or CCC level the Diocesan Sports Coordinator, Sherree Bush will progress them to the next level. There is no need to re-register
- You will receive and email to confirm their selection in the Canberra Goulburn team as will your school Principal to approve them for the next level of competition.
- Login to your CNSWCS Account
- Scroll to your child’s profile where there will be a box in red, ‘Confirm Selection’. Click on the box.
- Review your child’s details and if they are correct tick the ‘Acknowledgement’ box and click Next
- Sport Specific Details—Review all of the information for the MacKillop or CCC event and click Next
- Consent to Participate—Complete all fields and click on Finish
- Add to Cart: Levy and uniform will be displayed. (If applicable) Follow the prompts and click on Checkout
- This will take you to the payment options. Complete payment.
ACT School Sport Registration Instructions
Registrations to trial for ACT School Sport teams are via the ACT School Sport Website. School Sport ACT now collects all registration information online – this is to prevent the movement to and fro of a paper note and have all information readily available to officials prior to the trial. As this process incurs a fee for data storage, system maintenance and admin, a small $5 fee payment via credit card will be required.
- Go to the
- Click Register (top right corner of homepage) for an Account – enter parent details and password
- A confirmation email will be sent to your chosen email that will contain a link that you must click on to verify the email account.
- Click Log In (top right hand corner of home page) enter password then click on top tab My Profile
- You will see a ‘dashboard’ of your information, click green box to Add Student – enter student and medical details and save.
- Go to the Sports Tab – choose your specific sport, click on Trial Information box then click on the Register to Trial link.
- Select your child’s name from the dropdown box and then enter the optional fields for Playing History, Preferred Position (if applicable) and Representative Experience. If you are already in the system, ensure your child’s school is up to date in your profile – have they moved onto High School?
- Make the $5 credit card payment then click to register.
- An automated email will then be sent to your Principal/School Approver for their approval to trial (no need to take anything to school for the Principal to sign).
- You will be able to see the process has been complete back in My Profile – once your Principal/School Approver has completed the approval process your child’s information will be collated onto a list for the Team Manager and Coach prior to trial.
- Note the registration process closes two days before the first trial date to allow sufficient time for approval and sharing of collated information.